How long
does it take to adjust to life overseas?
I always feel a bit lost, or out of place?
This is
really up to you. An old axiom says that "A real
person of the world - feels comfortable everywhere - but
really at home nowhere."
is a real issue for many people. The author feels most
at home on Phuket Island, in Thailand and doesn't feel
at home back in Arizona, in the USA. But that is him -
not you.
Some people
never adjust, some people fit right in immediately.
Most are more middle of the road and need to make a few
friends, get to know the lay of the land, learn where to
shop, learn a few language basics, etc. before starting
to feel comfortable.
Can this
stage be a bit uncomfortable?
Of course! But it doesn't usually take long. A lot
depends on how you view where you are living. Do you
look at it as a long-term home? A one-year visit? A
two-year party? After the author had lived in Botswana,
Korea, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and Bangkok, Thailand (from
1989 to 2002), he was desperate for a place to call
home. He wanted a cat, a house, a yard - all those
familiar things from his "old" life. Once on Phuket, he
let out a big sigh - and knew this was home.
So . . .
Once you
have wandered for a long time, you might find yourself
seeking a place to put down some roots. It will get
rid of that edge of not belonging anywhere.