I keep a webpage or blog while I am overseas?
Would a blog or
webpage be a good way to keep in touch?
Why not!
A webpage or
a blog is a good way to communicate with family,
friends, and former coworkers about where you are and
what you are doing.
Work AND Play
While the
temptation might be to show off the travel and play
segments of your life overseas, it might also be useful
to also communicate about the cultural knowledge,
languages, and other skills you will be acquiring.
your Life Overseas
One great
thing about a website or blog will be the record you
have made - to review later in life. A nice documentary
of times overseas if you go back home to live. And a
nice step in your development if you remain overseas.
My mother
saved all my letters from my Peace Corps days and gave
them back to me after my time in Africa was finished.
It was a great gift as I had kept no other documentation
of my two years there. It was also proof to me of my
disciplined efforts to increase communication with my
parents when overseas.
"Just do
it!" - as Nike says . . .
You'll be
happy that you documented your time overseas