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FAQs for Living and Working Overseas:

Written by a former Peace Corps Volunteer living overseas since 1989

The Expat Guy: FAQs for Working and Living Overseas

Should I invest in my new country or my old country?

What should I do with my savings from working overseas?

Unless you plan on spending a long time overseas, invest in your home country.

There will be times when you might become aware of unusual or special opportunities for investment in your new country. But you might want to stay away from them unless you have lived there for several years and have a strong understanding of the financial and legal system where you are.  Most of us don't have that understanding, and in many countries foreigners are often fair game for a good fleecing.

Long-Term Investing

If you plan to live in a certain country for the rest of your life and perhaps to retire there, then, and only then, should you consider investing in that country.  And first, be sure to listen to the old "war stories" of people who have gone down that path before.  You work hard for your money, be careful not to blow it on something you have not researched carefully. 

I have invested in Thailand - where my home has been for the last six years - and I intend to retire here.  My reason is that the Thai Baht seems to be growing stronger and the US$ seems to be getting weaker.  As all my investments are in the USA, a weak dollar and strong baht means I will be poorer when I get very old.  I need some balance in my investment portfolio. That's a good reason.  Getting a "hot" tip is not.

The Discussion Boards

I read people talking about investments on discussion boards - and they often, sadly, have no idea what they are talking about.  I have an MBA, have invested carefully for thirty years in real estate and in the stock market, yet often hear 21-year-olds tell me which way the US dollar is going to move against the Korean won.  Flip a coin - even experienced traders with years of Wall Street experience rarely really know.  Get your investment advice from your own personal research, pay a professional for good research, or don't invest.  Don't get your investment advice from anonymous posters on the Internet.  Just my opinion.



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