about CV’s and Resumes for Overseas Jobs?
The same as
back home?
speaking, no.
Get used to
the idea that the work scene overseas is VERY DIFFERENT
from the one back home. Unless you are seeking
employment with a major Western corporation, employers
will probably want to see your photograph. Will
probably ask you about your family. Will ask your age.
Will ask if you are married - maybe even why not, if you
aren't. Some questions, in their culture would be
RUDE if they were NOT asked.
Okay, not
always, but it is not unusual, overseas, for people to
ask many questions that would be illegal in many Western
countries. In their country they are legal and, in
their eyes, legitimate questions.
They Have
Their Reasons
Work visas
for English Teachers, for example, often require that
your passport be from a country they deem as being
English speaking. Age, is sometimes limited for certain
kinds of visas. Men, may not be allowed to teach at a
women's school (Saudi Arabia for example) and on and on.
Get over it
Decide now
if these issues really bother you. If they do - you may
have some difficulty landing a job - or even surviving
in non-Westernized countries.
What to put
on your Resume/CV
resumes are fine - but be sure to put the essential
information near the top - where your potential employer
can see it quickly. Technically, a CV is a much more
academically-oriented form and more detailed, but you'll
find the terms resume and CV used somewhat
interchangeably overseas. Keep them both to two pages
or less (just my opinion).
If you are
an older person - like the author - put a cut off point
in time to limit how long your resume will be. Do they
really need to know that you worked for McDonalds 35-40
years ago?
if you are very interested in working in a particular
specialty - be sure to include your experience in that
area to strengthen your position.
countries will want a photo attached to your resume.
Passport size - top left corner. Not everywhere is the
same - but not a big deal if you put it on the wrong
corner . . . It is usually okay if you print it on the
resume. Make sure you dress and appear professionally
in the photo.
Marital Status, Sex, Nationality, Dependents
Get used to
it now. If you don't include this information, and the
employer has many applicants - guess where your resume
will go . . . In some countries, if you do not include
this information, they will assume you are hiding
something! Overseas they often need to know some of
these issues - just to be fair with you. If you
have five children and the school only has a budget for
funding two kids at an international school, isn't it
better to find that out early in the game and not waste
your time?
Get used to
the idea that not everyone thinks the way Westerners do, or has the same rules or standards.
People and
cultures and countries are different, it's what makes
it all so interesting . . .
It's okay to
be creative
templates - you blend into the background as if you
weren't there. And there are, sometimes, 100+
applicants . . . Try something creative. Use color -
give it shot. Try a Google search for "creative