How to Teach English Overseas A Ten-Week Plan to a NEW Life Overseas
you Need to Know to
Land a
Job and get Moved Overseas.
Insider Tips from an Experienced TEFL Teacher,
TEFL Teacher Trainer and
former Peace Corps Volunteer working Overseas since
1989. |
Recession-Proof Jobs!
Head Overseas!
YOU can Beat the DOWN Economy!
Thousands of
people fight off the BAD economy and big debts by heading
overseas and teaching English. If you have a BA
or BS (or better) in any field it is a good way to make
a good living - save OVER US$1000 per month
really trying!] - and still
be able to travel and see the world. Even people
degrees do well in China, Indonesia and South America.
Can I Teach English?
Sure! The #1 requirement is
that you are a "native speaker"
of English - that English is your
first language. That's it! Nothing
else. Young, Old, Black, White, Green -
no problem.
Don't I need to be an English Expert?
You are hired primarily for your
natural pronunciation. Everyone knows
the joke about ordering "Flied Lice" - and that is
exactly the problem that English students face around
the world: Non-Native Speakers of English teaching them
BAD pronunciation - that is very hard to UN-learn.
You don't even need to know
much about Grammar! Local teachers will be
teaching your students the basics.
How Many?
British Council
estimates that over
people are currently
studying English
These impressive numbers are driven by adult
speakers around the world who use English to
communicate in the workplace.
In an
increasingly Globalized World,
the number of
English learners around the world is only
expected to further grow.
Where are these Jobs?
As we all know - it is not a stereotype that most
cultures in Asia deeply value education - and most Asian
countries, when the going gets rough and tough -
invest more in
their English education. Proof? Look
Korea Jobs and all they want is a degree - no
experience required. Easy? Yeah!
Because the
young "tigers" of the Asian economies have built their
economic booms on International Business - and
is the Language of International Business.
Where can I
earn or save the most money?
Save US$1000+ without really trying!
Save US$1000+
EVERY month:
All the
information you
need to make
the decision to
teach in Korea,
all in one
Written by a
Teacher who has
12 years
teaching in
Korea. |
Korea is the
most popular place for stashing away a good nest egg -
or for paying off those student loans or other debts.
Taiwan and Japan are right behind Korea as popular
destinations for paying off debts or saving money for
Who can do
You can! And why not? Thousands of people are
already doing it. Young, old, white, brown, black,
- whatever!
for Teaching English Overseas
TEFL eBooks:
eBooks for Teaching English Overseas
English Phuket:
Why not teach English on a Tropical Island?